Monday, September 8, 2008

Schedule and Routines

It is subject to change at any time, mainly when I get another job, but also anytime my Mistress wishes to change it, so when that happens I'll post updates on the changes.

6am - wake up, take vitamins, eat breakfast
7am - bath routine (shave legs)
8am - job search, take lunch
Noon - break for lunch - ½ hour
2-2:30pm - return home, laundry, pick up house, dust on the go, dishes at sink
3:30pm - blog (submission)
4:15pm - bathroom and living room are cleaned, vacuumed
5pm - cook dinner, eat, dishes at sink
6pm - visit niece
7pm - read for ½ hour while doing warm up, then exercise for 2nd ½ hour
8pm - take meds, chat online (can have a light snack)
9:45pm - bedtime routine
10-10:15pm - go to bed

5:30am - wake up, take vitamins, eat breakfast (every other week allowed fast food breakfast)
6am - bath routine
7am - take trash out, go to work
9am - light snack
Noon - lunch - homemade
3:30-5pm - errands
5pm - cook dinner, eat, dishes at sink (except every other week when doing other job, can eat out those times. If doing other job, may read in car for ½ hour and work out muscle groups)
6pm - visit my niece
7pm - read for ½ hour while doing warm up, then exercise for 2nd ½ hour (every week not doing other job)
8pm - (or when home from other job) take meds and chat online. (can have a light snack)
9:45pm - bedtime routine
10-10:45pm - go to bed.

6am - wake up, take vitamins, eat breakfast
7am - bath routine (shave legs)
8:15am - masturbate for at least ½ hour, an hour if wrist allows (orgasm as much as time allows - NO sounds allowed!)
9:15am-noon - work online, check email and anything else needed online
Noon - eat lunch
1pm - start laundry, dust your room and pick up around the house
3-3:30pm - blog in all blogs, read other blogs if done early. No chatting!
5pm - cook dinner, eat, dishes at sink
6pm - visit niece
7pm - read for ½ hour while doing warm up, then exercise for 2nd ½ hour
8pm - take meds, chat online (can have a light snack)
9:45pm - bedtime routine
10-10:15pm - go to bed

5:45am - wake up, take vitamins, eat breakfast
6am - bath routine
7am - go to work
9am - light snack
Noon - lunch - homemade
3:30-5pm - errands (don’t have errands, you may chat online, read, etc.)
5pm - cook dinner, eat, dishes at sink
6pm - visit niece
7pm - read for ½ hour while doing warm up, then exercise for 2nd ½ hour
8pm - take meds, chat online (can have a light snack)
9:45pm - bedtime routine
10-10:45pm - go to bed

6am - wake up, take vitamins, eat breakfast
7am - bath routine (shave legs)
8am - job hunt, take lunch
Noon - ½ break for lunch
2-2:30pm - return home, start laundry
3pm - blog (forgiveness)
4pm - organize, clean out, toss stuff, set aside for garage sale or charity
5pm - cook dinner, eat, dishes at sink
6pm - visit niece
7pm - read for ½ hour while doing warm up, then exercise for 2nd ½ hour
8pm - take meds, chat online (can have a light snack)
9:45pm - bedtime routine
10-10:15pm - masturbate, two orgasms before sleeping! (NO sounds allowed!) (Sleep with tv or radio on)

8am - wake up, weigh/measure yourself and record for blog, take vitamins, eat breakfast
9am - bath routine (shave pubic hair today), pamper yourself with bubble bath or bath fizzies
10am - deep cleaning routine
Noon - ½ break for lunch, check laundry and switch
1pm - finish deep cleaning routine
2pm - learn something new with your spirituality
3pm - RELAX! Do anything you want (chat, read, do a hobby, phone calls)
5pm - cook dinner, eat, dishes at sink
6pm - visit niece
7pm - relax/chat online (can have a light snack)
9pm - take meds
10:45pm - bedtime routine
11-11:15pm - go to bed (sleep with tv or radio on)

8am - wake up, take vitamins, eat breakfast, bath routine
9am - Study to become a fly lady
Noon - half hour for lunch. Check laundry. Take pics of house to show Mistress my progress.
1pm - spiritual time - learn something new for first hour, 2nd hour can be “prayer” time.
3pm - blog (health one)
4pm - spend time with dad, if he’s home. If not, spend it with niece, taking her for a walk. Clean up the yard and weather proof the house - spend as much time outside as possible
5pm - cook dinner, eat, dishes at sink
6pm - visit niece
7pm - start weekly menu. Prepare anything you can now.
8pm - take meds, chat online (can have a light snack)
9:15pm- masturbate - 2 orgasms (NO sounds allowed!)
9:45pm - bedtime routine
10-10:15pm - go to bed.

Bath routine
Bathe, wash hair, exfoliate, shave legs Mon, Wed, Fri, brush/floss teeth, put on make up, dry hair, style hair, get dressed, do mantra in your room, shave pubic area on Saturdays.

Bedtime routine
Set out food for next day, set out clothing for next day (iron if needed), collect all trash and dishes and wash quickly, if trash is full set the bag by the door to take out in the morning, check laundry if any, wash face, brush/floss teeth, moisturize, lotion yourself up, brush hair out and pull into ponytail, check vaporizers, put on pj’s, candles/incense are out, turn down heat or a/c, lock doors, turn all lights off (computer too!), go to sleep!

Other Rules
Wear make up daily! (powder, eye shadow, liner, mascara, blush, lip gloss, or light lipstick)
Wear some kind of shoes daily, even in the house
Wear a bra daily at least until 5pm
Every time you pee, you must play with yourself for 30 seconds
Drink 24 oz. water before you have 1 glass of tea. Try to drink 72 oz water daily (four and a half bottles of water)
Exercise daily - at least 15 mins of heart pumping, then can do yoga or something else with it
Between 8am and 3pm, Mistress is sculpting. Try not to contact her during this time unless it’s an emergency.


Anonymous said...

Wow...i couldn't stick to a schedle like that if i tried...that's pretty good...i'm to much of a gypsy...i have a hard enough time with a bed


Her's said...

I didn't think I would be able to stick to it either, to be honest. And there are days that some things are switched around because life happens and no matter how much I want it to be exactly how my Mistress set it up, it just won't be like that every single day. And then, of course, with the hurricane, I missed a few days almost completely because it juts wasn't possible to follow it. But it's been fun trying to get into the routine. The hardest thing is getting up at 6am on the days that I don't yet work. Those are killer! But I'm still working on it.