Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Well, when my Mistress first gave me my schedule and routines, my first thought was "there's not enough time in the day!" even though she had given exact times for everything. I was skeptical, right at first, meaning the very first time I read through it. Then I read it again and realized that the things she had on the schedule weren't difficult things to accomplish, nor were most of them all that time consuming. In other words, it can be done, quite easily, for the most part, and in the time she specified.

So, yesterday was my first day to live by the schedule she mapped out for me, and I actually did everything she wished! Today, the same thing. However, this morning, I realized that I had switched the first two things both days and didn't even know it until I looked at the schedule at about 10am. Since I was a little girl, we always woke up and immediately took a bath, then had breakfast. But Mistress wishes for me to have breakfast, and then a bath. Not a huge thing, right? Right. I just have reprogram myself to do it that way. So tomorrow, I WILL! Now that I realized today that I was switching them, I'm much more aware of it and will be sure to do it right tomorrow morning.

I was also a little worried about the water drinking, however I've had absolutely no problem with it so far. The thing I had trouble with today was actually taking my vitamin. I've never been good at swallowing pills, especially ones that I can taste as soon as they go in my mouth, which is why I always put liquid in my mouth, then the pill and then quickly drink more to force it down. But for some reason this morning the pill's taste was overly strong (they stink too!) and after gagging a few times, I was finally able to get it down. But by that point I had the taste all over my mouth and had to keep drinking to get it to go away. Geez, pill taking should not be so hard! hehe.

Oh yes, there is another thing that I struggled with today, inwardly at least. And that was waking up at 6am. I actually went to sleep before Mistress had scheduled for me too last night (skipped chatting online - which isn't a must.) because I pretty tired and I woke up two minutes before my alarm was to go off this morning. When I rolled over and glanced at the clock, I groaned and whimpered. I did not want to get up. I wanted to keep sleeping. After all, I didn't have anything "important" to do today, right? *scoffs at my own thoughts* I thought, very briefly, that I would just turn my alarm off and keep sleeping. Mistress would never know the difference, if I didn't tell her, right? Most likely. However, I would know and I know it would eat away at me until I fessed up and the punishment from that would be much worse than the fun I would have had sleeping in.

So, I turned my alarm off, before it even went off (a minute 'till - see all that took place in one minute!) and got out of bed. I was dragging for about two hours, but then got into the swing of things and have been going strong ever since.

I couldn't have slept in. It all comes down to respect, and trust. My Mistress is trusting me to follow the schedule and routines and to let her know when I don't. If I slept in and didn't tell her, that would be like telling her first off that I don't care about her rules, nor about our relationship, or anything she has to say, period. Essentially, I would have been telling her that I don't care about ~her~, and that just simply is NOT the case. I love my Mistress and wish to always make her proud of me, and happy in the things that I do. Being submissive doesn't mean that you always get your way, or that you always do things that you want or like. Did I like getting up early? Not at all. But I did it, and am now very happy that I did, because I didn't do anything to put a wedge of distrust in our relationship. I did it because I respect and love my Mistress and I know that she has only my best interest at heart. I do worry that when she reads this (or when I tell her - whichever comes first) that she might be upset that I even had those thoughts. Who could blame her though, truthfully?

Well, so, once I was up and about the house, I cleaned up my room. I still have more to do, sometime soon, but at least I can see my floor! And I got rid of a LOT of stuff. I still have tons more to go through and decide what I want to keep and what I wish to toss, just like every other room of the house too. I've also kept up on the laundry today and have just one more load, I think. Maybe two. (There were LOTS of towels, sheesh.) All the dishes are ready to be put in the dishwasher, as soon as I empty it when I'm finished posting this and start on dinner.

All in all, I'm proud of myself for sticking with it.

I also have a submissive mantra to learn. Mistress says I have three weeks (from Monday - so Sept. 29th) to learn it all and so far I know about half of it already. I love learning it. I love saying it during my morning routine as well. It makes me focus on myself and my submission before my day gets started really well. And I think it has been helping the day run more smoothly. I'm not sure yet if I will post my mantra on here or not. I need to talk to my Mistress about it and see what she thinks about doing that. I kind of feel like it's a very personal thing and am not sure that I am totally comfortable with sharing that, just yet at least. So, we'll see.

I guess that's it for now. I won't blog here again until next Monday, as I will be blogging here every Monday and Wednesday unless Mistress tells me otherwise.

Until then, be well bloggers!

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