Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Little Homework

Once again, I'm not entirely sure what to write about. It bugs me when I don't have all that much to say here because I feel like this is such an important part of my journey. I know it doesn't really matter how long my entries here are, not really, but still it bothers me at times.

Anyhow, Mistress gave me a new homework assignment, and that was to rewrite my schedule how I felt it would fit me best with the changes that have taken place in my life. It's due to Her today by 5pm, and I already sent it by email. I didn't change much from the schedule She had given me, but there were a few things I rearranged. I'm curious to find out what She will think about the changes I made. As soon as She adds in some other things and approves it all then I'll post the new schedule here for all to see.

Oh, Mistress and I did have a very good conversation a few days ago about all the lessons I've learned in the past few months and how I feel about my mantra (which I might eventually post here). I was able to express to Her how I feel like She has helped me finally come to love myself for who and what I am. To love me exactly where I'm at in life and not degrade myself for the things that I've not yet done, or the mistakes I've made. That's a huge thing for me. I don't think my writing here really reflects just how badly I used to think of myself. I think a large part of that is because I didn't really believe it was as bad as it was, until I stopped doing it. Mistress really has taught me so much. :)

And, really, apart from that, not a whole lot has been going on that I can write about here. Our r/t's have kept us both very busy of late and I'm not sure that I see it letting up any time soon, though one can hope. I'm just happy that, well, I'm happy. *laughs*

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